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Speaking Engagements

Anamaria Is Passionate About Sharing Her Experiences And Advice With Audiences That Are…

Tech Conferences

Anamaria shares cutting-edge insights on emerging tech trends and their real-world impacts.

Startups Looking For Investment

Anamaria offers key advice on attracting investment and refining early-stage startup pitches.

Investors Looking for Deal Flow

Anamaria provides critical analysis to help investors spot high-potential opportunities.

Subject Matter Expertise

Anamaria Is an Expert Speaker On

Supporting Your Investment Journey for Starups and Investors

Learn how to raise funds for your startup the right way. What are the strategies to make your fundraising journey a win-win for all. Are you an investor looking for the right company to invest in? Learn how to do that and where to get the best deal flow.

Navigating the United Nations and Its Agencies

Always curious about the United Nations? Learn from someone who worked there for 10+ years on how to get a job in the UN and how to engage in resolution drafting and lobbying.

Personal Branding

Learn how I changed my personal brand and pivoted in different careers. You can do the same!

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Connecting Innovation and Opportunity

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